Male Enhancement Pills Ingredients for Better Sexual Health.
How can a Man Improve his Sexual Health?
The first recommendation is to consult your doctor when you become sexually inactive.
Once the cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) has been determined, you can find appropriate treatment. However, there are herbal extracts with antioxidants, flavonoids, and vasodilation effects that can improve sexual health.
More so, the adult male sexual life becomes pleasurable when he consumes scientifically proven ingredients and male enhancement supplements like Virectin.
What Age Does a Man Stop Getting Hard?
Most men notice a nosedive of their sexual prowess when they get to forty-five years. There are reasons responsible for weak erection. Usually, insufficient blood flow to the penis causes erectile dysfunction (ED) in aging men.
Hormonal problems like low testosterone, stress, and poor prostrate health might also trigger weak erection. Obesity, smoking, alcohol, and unhealthy diets also cause penile impotence.
A normal testosterone count is between 300 ng/dL and 800 ng/dL[1]. However, men with a lower range of the hormone might experience erectile dysfunction conditions.
Which are the Most Effective Male Enhancement Pills Ingredients?
The best male enhancement pills contains a blend of all-organic extracts; they perform respective functions and offer overall sexual health.
Some Virectin ingredients help to regulate the flow of blood through your circulatory system and corpora cavernosa.
Others build testosterone, libido, and endurance for lasting pleasure.
Vitamin B3 is the other name for Niacin; this ingredient has vasodilation effects and anti-inflammatory properties. In boosting sexual performance, Virectin contains Niacin (25 mg/serving) to calm and dilate blood vessels for a steady supply of blood and nutrients to the penis. When penile tissues receive Niacin from the bloodstream, they become sensitive and hard. So, vitamin B3 is a nutrient for penile vitality, firmer and longer lasting erections. Consumers of Virectin can engage in hours of sexual activities without exhaustion; even during old age, they still remain youthful in bed.

Niacin. Shtterstock Images
2. Zinc (as Zinc Sulphate):Zinc Sulphate is a compound that boosts the production of free testosterone (sex hormones) and supports the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). As an essential trace mineral, prostate cells have the highest concentrations of Zinc in the body. Virectin contains Zinc Sulphate (30 mg/serving), and this zinc supplementation helps to treat erectile dysfunction, prostate ailments, and increase sexual drive. The compound (Zinc Sulphate) also helps to boost different enzymes and the immune system.
3. Selenium:Selenium is a mineral with antioxidant properties that protect prostate and sperm cells from damage. Virectin contains 50 micrograms of Selenium to boost the concentration of sperm per ejaculation. This mineral ingredient preserves seminal vesicles and promotes the health of your testicles. More so, Selenium increases the production of sperm and its motility. A deficiency in selenium might trigger infertility in males, but Virectin helps gives the required daily intake.

Selenium. Shutterstock Images
4. Oat Herb Powder:
The botanical name for the herb - Oat Straw (wild oats) is Avena Sativa, and it has a concentration of 500 mg (per serving) in Virectin pills. Oat herb powder triggers the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone levels and leases to the production of testosterone in the testes. This herbal extract is an active ingredient in Virectin pills, and it builds desires for sex. As a contributing factor to high libido, Avena Sativa’s ensures steady blood circulation to sensitive penile tissues.
5. L-Arginine:This ingredient is a type of amino acid that kidneys transform into nitric oxide for vasodilation effects. For a harder erection to occur, sufficient volume of blood must flow steadily through the penile chambers; reach tissues and the sensitive tip of the genitalia. In Virectin, L-Arginine has a concentration of 300 mg per serving, and this amino acid booster can stimulate a firmer erection before sex at the slightest stroke.
How Do these Ingredients Work to Improve Male Sexual Health?
The male genitalia are filled with sensitive blood vessels, penile chamber (corpora cavernosa), and tissues. This penile chamber receives a steady flow of blood for harder erections to take place. However, in Virectin, L-Arginine and Niacin cause blood to fill this chamber. So, the penile vessels and tissues will become responsive and rigid for longer-lasting sexual pleasure.
In Virectin pills, ingredients like Ashwagandha root powder provides antioxidants for the preservation of sperm cells. More so, Damiana leaf powder contains potent flavonoids and antioxidants that raise libido[2] and gives overall sexual satisfaction. The proprietary blend also includes the powder of Eurycoma Longifolia root. Its concentration in Virectin pills is 200 mg; this ingredient frees up of bound testosterone, and treats premature ejaculation.

Improve Your Male Sexual Health. Shutterstock Images
Are these Ingredients Safe to Consume?
The formula is a blend of all-natural ingredients, there no safety risk except when dosage is exceeded. Excessive dose of selenium may trigger the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. However, this formula is safe, but consumers of Virectin pills might notice longer lasting erection when the dose is exceeded.
More so, the extracts from Tribulus fruits have been added to Virectin to treat patients with infertility, low production and poor quality of sperms. In Chinese medicine, Tribulus fruit and Saw Palmetto berry extracts have been used as aphrodisiacs and erectile dysfunction remedy. More so, Virectin contains 500 mg of Tribulus Terrestris and 100 mg of Saw Palmetto berry per serving respectively. These ingredients are safe to consume and provide maximum sexual performance.
Virectin pills help to restore sexual health in aging men and treat erectile dysfunction problems.
Other ingredients in Virectin formula are Gelatin capsules, Rice flour, and Magnesium Stearate. Men with issues of erectile dysfunction might notice symptoms of premature ejaculation and low sex drive. However, consumers of Virectin pills will experience a sexual response and a boost in stamina.
Fenugreek seed powder is an ingredient in Virectin that makes it easy for all other nutrients in the formula to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
More so, Virectin pills might help consumers build high levels of libido and free testosterone.
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